Tuesday 2 December 2014

Gym Etiquette

What is Gym Etiquette?  In simple terms, it is all about consideration for others and good manners.  Sadly, both of these commodities seem to have been lost in recent years.

The advantages of understanding what constitutes Gym Etiquette and then applying those standards when you are in the gym are many but the main one is that you will enjoy your workout and know that others are also enjoying a frustration-free time.

Uphold rules of club and exercise room

  • Every gym has a set of rules posted at various strategic locations around the building. Read rules and posted signs and if you can’t find them, ask the staff to point them out to you.
  • Observe posted equipment instructions and warnings.  These notices are there for your safety and the safety of others.

If you would like to use a piece of equipment someone is using

  • Ask if you can "work in between their sets"
    • if they say no, be patient and have compassion for the feeble minded acceptable reasons for denying "working in" include
      two or more individuals already exercising on equipment
      a large number of free weights are loaded on equipment and user is nearly finished
    • after each set, allow the other person to use the equipment
      try to set the apparatus adjustments back where the other person had set them
      assist with reloading or unloading weight
  • If someone begins exercising on a weight apparatus while you were resting between your sets
    • you should say "I only have X number of sets left on this machine, you may work in with me if you would like"
    • if you were working in between someone else's sets, make the other person is aware someone is already sharing the equipment with you
  • If waiting in line and you leave to use the restroom or get a drink of water
    • tell the person behind you in line you are coming right back so they are aware you are waiting
  • If someone sneaks ahead of you
    • you should say "I just went to go to ___, I believe I was here before you".
  • You cannot claim a piece of equipment by setting a towel or water bottle on or next to it

When you are using equipment and others waiting

  • Allow others to work in between your sets
  • Do not rest on exercise equipment
    • studies suggest recovery is accelerated by light muscular activity such as walking about between sets rather than sitting
  • On cardio equipment, abide by the time limit set by club (typically 30 minutes).
    • do not wait for someone to ask you to get off
  • Use a towel on the equipment to minimise sweat transfer and wipe equipment with the towel after each set
    • would you like to be in contact with someone else's sweat?

When you are finished with a piece of equipment

  • Wipe equipment using disinfectant when available
  • Do not leave your sweaty towel behind for someone else to pick up
  • Put equipment away when you have completed an exercise
    • it is not the gym staffs’ or other members' responsibility to put away your equipment
    • put weights in their designated place, not necessarily where someone that was using it before you had left it.
      if you were the last to use the equipment, you are the one responsible for putting it back where it belongs
    • weight plates
      • remove all weights
        don't assume everyone would appreciate a pair of plates left on the apparatus
        storage arranged by weight of plates (eg: 45lb, 35lb, 25lb, 10lb, 5lb, 2.5lb)
      • do not mix plates on same storage bar
        dumbbells placed in order on rack, where they were intended to be stored
    • return benches, mats and other equipment to its designated storage area
    • certain cable attachments may remain on machines if they are commonly used by others

Be aware of exercise area

  • Stay clear of areas that require space at or near a particular station
    • eg: weightlifting platform, cable crossover machine, weight trees, etc.
    • do not crowd other exercisers
  • Do not exercise where others need to walk
    • high traffic paths, area entries, in front of water stations, etc
  • Do not stand in front of the dumbbell rack
    • since others will need clearance to get and put away their dumbbells
  • Before exercising in front of the mirror, check behind you to see if anyone else is using that mirror space
    • do not stand in front of someone using the mirror behind you
  • Keep your stuff off equipment and areas where people need to walk
    • even if you are exercising right next to it

Avoid making too much noise

    • Keep in mind an exercise facility is a public place where many participants are trying to concentrate on performing their exercises
  • Avoid excessive chatter
    • particularly in exercise class
      • wait until after class
    • do not initiate conversation with someone while they are engaged in a resistance training set or a sprint bout
  • Do not use your mobile phone
    • If you are listening to music on your phone, use earphones
    • some gyms prohibit cell phone use in workout areas
  • Limit grunting, yelling, or swearing during exercise
    • habitual or sudden outbursts are seen as rude and egotistical, "look at me!"
    • occasional natural grunting under extremely lifting conditions may be acceptable in some gyms
  • Do not sing or whistle
    • particularly when you are listening to music on a head set.
  • Avoid dropping weights
    • learn techniques for raising and lowering weights
    • do not bang weight stacks on machines
      • tapping weight very lightly is acceptable
  • Use cardio equipment properly
    • do not slap feet on treadmill
    • do not bottom or top out on stairclimber
  • Do not pop chewing gum bubbles
  • Loud or constant noises can annoy other exercisers

Asking for a spot

  • Ask for a spot when going heavy on higher risk exercises such as the bench and squat
  • Utilise fitness staff before approaching a member you do not know for a spot
    • do not interrupt a fitness instructor if he is conducting a personal training session or equipment orientation
    • do not interrupt someone while they are performing their set or spotting someone else
  • Limit how frequent you ask others for a spot
    • use the weight you can handle
    • only go heavy occasionally
    • avoid exercising to failure on higher risk exercises unless you use a spotter
    • learn and utilise mounting and dismounting techniques on dumbbell exercises
  • Communicate to the spotter before your set
    • ask them to spot you in a specific manner if this is important to you
      by the wrist, on the elbows, on the bar, around the waist
      far spot (stand by), close spot (ready to assist position), very close spot (ready to assist with contact with bar or body)
      help with lift off rack, etc.
    • tell your spotter approximately how many repetitions you plan on completing on your own.
      this will give your spotter an idea when they will transfer from a far spot to a close spot
  • Ask for a spot only on the last rep if needed
    • do not expect the spotter to assist you beyond one assisted repetition
      the purpose of the spotter is not to do the work for you
      if you cannot handle the weight by yourself
      • leave your ego at the door
      • lighten the load to a weight what you can handle
    • rack the weight after your spotter has assisted you with one repetition, if needed
      • even if you did not complete your estimated number of repetitions
    • rather than utilising forced repetitions to break sticking points, use more effective and sustainable techniques.

Avoid arriving late to class

  • Particularly for a yoga class when participants are finding their inner calmness
  • A noisy late entrance can disrupt the mood

Abstain from telling others they are using the equipment improperly

  • Unless it is your job or someone's life is in danger
  • Certainly feel free to ask to assist anyone that appears to be struggling to figure out how to use an exercise machine
  • If you must, approach with respect and consider beginning by asking how their workout is going, or along those lines.

Wear appropriate apparel

  • Wear workout clothes and athletic shoes in fitness area
    • do not work out without shirt and athletic shoes, particularly on exercise equipment

Practice hygiene

  • Avoid offensive body odours
    • bathe regularly and use underarm deodorant
    • release your farts where no one else can smell them
  • Wipe machines off before and after use
  • Wash hands to decrease spread of germs
    • after using restroom
    • after sneezing or coughing on your hand
    • after workouts
  • Do not smoke anywhere near facility
    • not even outside near entries
    • utilise patches or better still, Quit!

Do not bring young children to the gym

  • Unless facility has child care services
  • A gym is not a playground and can be disruptive to others and unsafe for the child

If you do not like the choice of music or what is playing on TV

  • Ask others working out if they would mind if you request a change
  • Bring your own headset and portable music player
  • Do not bring your own audio equipment to the gym for others to hear

At water fountain / cooler

  • If you are filling water bottle
    • allow others behind you to use water fountain
    • finish filling up your container after they are finished drinking
  • Do not spit or dispose of chewing gum in water fountain
    • use toilet and trash receptacles

Locker Room Etiquette

  • Clean up after yourself
    • Gym staff are not paid to be your personal maid service
    • put toiletries back where they belong immediately after you have used them so others may use them
    • wipe up water you spilt around sink counter top
    • throw towels (if provided) in designated bins after use
  • Showers
    • leave shower the way you found it
    • turn off water
    • don't leave behind empty shampoo bottles or extra towels
    • dry off before walking through locker room
      • water on floors can be hazardous to others
  • Be respectful of other people's belonging and personal space
    • don't monopolise mirror space, hair dryers, or other accessories intended to be available for everyone's use
    • if your belongings are on locker bench, make space for others who come
    • naked persons always have the right away
  • Cover up with a towel
    • spare your peers from having to witness your body parts flopping or jiggling about.
  • Keep tasteless personal hygiene rituals at home
    • eg: clipping nails or body hair, washing feet in sink, picking at body parts, etc.
  • Do not take your mobile phone out of case or gym bag
    • turn off ringer before entering facility
    • many facilities prohibit mobile phones into locker facilities since they often have built in cameras


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